If the screen isn’t completely unresponsive, you’ll see a message saying “Do you want to shut down your Kindle?” after holding the power button for a few seconds. Charge it for 30 minutes and then try the procedure again.
If this doesn’t work, and the screen remains unresponsive, plug in your device to charge with the original adapter that came with it. You should now be able to use the device without any further adjustment. If it doesn’t, turn it on as you normally would and wait for the startup screen. Your tablet might start back up on its own. Once the 40 seconds pass, release the button. It’s helpful to use a timer for this, to ensure that you’ve held it long enough. After a few seconds, the screen will go blank but keep holding down the button for the full 40 seconds. If your screen is completely unresponsive, start by pressing and holding the power button on the tablet for a full 40 seconds.